"Close on the heels of the "Everyone’s Quitting Naukri" Campaign, TimesJobs.com has launched its ‘Nauk Out’ offer, a sales initiative, that reaches out to recruiters across the country with an offer that they just can’t refuse. All the recruiter has to do is call TimesJobs.com for a demo of its products and services and avail of a free holiday for two, in scenic locales both in India or abroad."
Befitting TimesJobs.com leadership position as the No.1 Job Portal in the country, it has taken the initiative of expanding the market and introducing sectors and businesses that have not yet experienced the power of online recruitment to take a demo and witness its power for themselves with the ‘Nauk Out’ offer. Industries, including SMEs, which have traditionally not used the online medium, are being stimulated by the ‘Nauk Out’ offer, to take a demo and witness the value that TimesJobs.com can provide them with its varied and rich Database of active job-seekers. Recruiters just have to call TimesJobs.com for a demo of the cutting-edge products and services offered and avail a free holiday for two nights and three days for a couple, with options both in India and Abroad. "The ‘Nauk Out’ offer has been a radical way to generate new leads and develop relationships with new clients. The response to our ‘Nauk Out’ Offer has been tremendous and our phones have not stopped ringing since we launched this campaign." commented Mr. Vivek Madhukar, National Sales Head, TimesJobs.com. "We have brought in over 5,000 new clients in the last 30 days and can directly attribute a growth of over 100% in terms of revenue progression to this campaign." added, Mr. Madhukar. There are no conditions to this offer and it is available to any client who calls for a demo. There are absolutely no terms and conditions involved for clients to get a free holiday voucher once they take a demo from the TimesJobs.com team. So any potential client who calls for a demo is entitled for a free holiday regardless of the fact that he/she buys our services or not. So, call TimesJobs.com, take a demo and go on a fun-filled vacation – It’s a ‘Nauk Out’ Offer!