
JobBuzz is an employee to employee community which helps jobseekers makes the most intelligent career decisions. It helps them decide which company, industry and role is right for them. This is done by providing them information on company reviews, ratings , salary , interview processes and interview questions. These are contributed by the members of the community who happen to be current or past employees of a company. You can check it out on


Empowered by the collective intelligence of a group of actual users, JobBuzz ensures that aggregated information about Career Decisions is available to all users. This ensures that career decisions will become clear and transparent. JobBuzz will do for us what TripAdvisor does for travelers and Amazon does for book lovers.

The information on employee experiences will help you decide what role, company or industry is best suited for you. You will be better positioned to make the most of your interview opportunities with the user generated information on interview processes and questions. The salary data will give you a comparative idea of company’s remuneration practices.

JobBuzz is an employee-to-employee (E2E) platform and its success lies in every employee’s hands. The more everyone contributes, the more collective wisdom they will have for themselves.